Blue Nautic

Blue Nautic - Rental of electric boats without a license in the Marne

Free entry via the Epernay municipal campsite - TEL 33 615 407 972 - Legal Notice- OPEN FROM MAY TO SEPTEMBER

Bluenautic General Conditions

General Conditions of Sale of SARL BLUE NAUTIC


The company SARL BLUE NAUTIC, whose head office is located at 17 rue de Romery, 51480 Cumières, offers the rental of electric boats for walks on the Marne river from the site of the municipal campsite, allée de Cumières 51200 in EPERNAY, in accordance with its charter activity.

Article 1: Reservation and Briefingt

The customer is asked to arrive at the site 20 minutes before departure. A charged phone must be kept on board and it must be the one with the same number registered during the reservation. This is to be reachable at any time during your walk on the river.

Before each departure, the tenant captain, or the captain who is a member of the crew, gives his VOUCHER and his driving license or any document proving his identity to the charter operator or to one of the employees of the reception team. A 10-minute briefing in French or English is carried out with a member of staff who gives the safety and navigation instructions to follow. 1.2 The client must electronically sign the briefing document, thereby confirming their understanding and commitment to comply with the instructions. 1.3 An inventory of the boat is carried out between the tenant and the charter operator or a member of its staff before each departure and upon return of the boat. 1.4 In the event of return of the boat dirty and soiled by personal belongings or by food on board, in the event of damage or deterioration of the boat or equipment, the amount retained from the deposit or required if insufficient in relation to the deposit, will be equal to the amount appearing in the list in article 7 which lists the amounts collected in the event of damage.

Article 2: Navigation and Safety Rules

The walks take place exclusively on the Marne River departing from the Blue nautic pontoon, and are subject to the regulations of the French waterways (VNF). ACEs are limited to 4 people, SCOOP to 5 adults, or 4 adults and 2 children under 12 years old. 2.2 Providing a navigation map at the time of the briefing allows the tenant to be geolocated. Several prohibitions are formulated during the briefing to guarantee safety: do not leave minors at the helm, bend over, swim, let your feet hang over the back of the boat, or zigzag, try to stop on the banks (except in cases of force majeure), exceed the authorized navigation zone. 2.3 Wearing a life jacket is compulsory for minors up to the age of 18 and recommended for adults on board. 2.4 For the Corsaire and Nemo formulas, alcohol consumption is limited to a maximum of two flutes of alcohol. champagne for the captain. In the event of damage or an incident on the waterway, the latter could be checked by blood alcohol test upon return to the dock by the police.

Article 3: Responsibility of the Captain

The tenant can be the captain. However, if the captain is not the tenant, he is the person who holds the helm and declares to be of legal age and will be criminally liable in the event of an incident or damage. The captain is responsible for the behavior of his crew and must ensure compliance with safety rules. 3.2 The authorized navigation area is demarcated during the briefing. It is strictly prohibited to sail beyond the established limits or to land all along the navigation zone except in cases of force majeure. For the Corsaire and Nemo formulas, landing and mooring at the quayside at the SNE in Epernay is strictly regulated. The captain must drive slowly to approach the C LA NAUTIQUE pontoon marked by a sign. Likewise when returning to the BLUE NAUTIC pontoons. Any damage due to lack of caution and failure to slow down would be contrary to the safety measures indicated at the time of departure and subject to Pricing in the event of damage.

Article 4: Cancellation and Refund Conditions

In the event of bad weather or force majeure (illness, vehicle problem), SARL BLUE NAUTIC offers a full refund or postponement of the service. For illness and cases of force majeure such as vehicle breakdown, SARL BLUE NAUTIC will require written proof sent by email with the boat reservation number. 4.2 Cancellation requests without reasons for force majeure must be made at least 8 days before the date of the service to be eligible for a 50% refund, and 15 days before for a full 100% refund. 4.3 In the event of a technical problem with a boat during the trip and if the tenant's responsibility is not attributable, a refund for the trip is granted. In the event of launching and departure with favorable weather which has been certified by the usual meteorological sites and a sudden change such as violent wind or rain with alarming density which forces the customer to return to port, the Blue Nautic company will reserves the right to have customers return to the pontoons by a telephone call without reimbursing the portion not paid by the customer.

Article 5: Refusal of Boarding

SARL BLUE NAUTIC reserves the right to refuse boarding and departure: in the event of a sudden change in weather endangering the captain and his crew; to any person who is intoxicated or who does not want to respect safety rules, without right to reimbursement; if the boat is overloaded.

Article 6: Incident Management and Reimbursements

In the event of outright cancellation at the time of departure due to weather, a refund is granted to the customer. This reimbursement can be made immediately or by bank transfer to the customer's account. Depending on the country and the bank, 15 days to 3 weeks may be necessary for reimbursement. 6.2 A postponement solution can be considered by mutual agreement in the event of bad weather or force majeure following the sending of a reciprocal email which can attest to the situation. 6.3 In the event of damage or damage caused to the ACE or SCOOP boat, a minimum amount is retained. This amount appears in article 7. In the event of insufficient security, the tenant client, whether he is a captain or not, undertakes to reimburse the amount of the damage caused. In the event of serious damage, a call will be made to the police, police or gendarmerie to report the damage caused. And the identity document kept pending the seizure of the facts. SARL Blue nautic reminds you that alcohol consumption on board is limited and must be very low for the captain. We remind you that you are navigating in a public space with other users, which is under the legislation of the French Waterways with rules to follow which are similar to those of road driving:

In France, driving a vehicle with a level greater than or equal to 0.8 g per liter constitutes an offense. Article L 234-1 of the Highway Code is very clear on this subject: "even in the absence of signs of drunkenness manifests the fact of driving a vehicle under the influence of an alcoholic state characterized by a concentration of alcohol in the blood equal to or greater than 0.80 g per liter or by a concentration of alcohol in the exhaled air equal to or greater than 40 g in ml (0.40 mg) per liter and punishable by 2 years of imprisonment and a fine of €4,500.

Article 7: PRICES for damage and deterioration




COVER BRANCH damaged €300




DETERIORED VEST (cigarette hole) €55






Our 4-legged friends are welcome on board. The dog's owner must keep him on a leash until he is on board. A personal blanket will be placed at the bottom of the boat. Any traces of claws will be billed as dirt on the boat, cleaning the claws requiring delicate plastic renovation work from our team before re-renting the boat. For your dog's hair we provide you with a basket with paper towels and cleaning spray.

These general conditions of sale are established to inform customers of the commitments and responsibilities shared between them and the company SARL BLUE NAUTIC, in order to ensure a safe and pleasant navigation experience for all. In the event of a dispute, the Reims commercial court is deemed competent.

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